01 September 2012

good morning september.

Today the morning light crept into my window bringing September with her. I'm not sure where August went, but September is here to stay. Our lazy summer Saturday's are behind us. Now the days are filled with fast paced breakfasts, coffee stops and soccer games. Today Jess and I ran between Jonas and Joshua's game, hoping to catch a glimpse of their shining moments. I'm looking forward to the long weekend. To spending time with our family, the five of us, while working on projects around the home. These past two weeks have been an adjustment for us. Life is busy and sometimes there isn't time to sit and relax as a family.

So, thank you September for bringing a cool breeze, for beginning with a long weekend and for giving us the chance to catch our breath.

Last night I enjoyed looking through my archives. It's been almost a year since I've made the switch to manual mode. I still have a long road ahead of me, but it was interesting looking back. Here are my September posts from last year. I would love to hear any feedback.

It's been so busy around here I apologize for not responding to comments and emails. I'll be working on that this weekenend and all next week ;) I've had a couple personal projects that have kept me away from the computer. More to come about those soon.


  1. Your children are so beautiful, and look so much like you -- each in their own way! Enjoy the long weekend.

  2. I absolutely adore your writing style. ;-) and your kiddos are ADORABLE.

  3. Gorgeous photos as always :) Happy September gorgeous!


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