26 September 2012

peach green tea.

peach tea 2
Now that autumn has arrived the gardens are bare and empty. The cool winds have brought in the end of summer's season. The end of fresh heirloom tomoatoes, zucchinis and corn. Peach season is behind us, and with the last batch of peaches I purchased I could tell they were past their time. Naturally, wasting food isn't much of an option so I racked my brain on how I could use these peaches. I decided to make a batch of peach green tea, a perfect drink to sip on as fall makes it way into our homes.
peach tea 3
peach tea
Peach Green Tea
served hot or cold

4 or 5 peaches
about 6 cups of water
5 or 6 organic green tea bags

Wash and cut peaches into quarters
place in a medium saucepan over medium heat
simmer peaches for about 7 minutes
add the water and bring to a boil
once the water is boiling add the tea bags (I like to tie them together) and turn off the burner
allow the tea to steep for about 10 minutes
use a strainer to discard peaches, store in an airtight container



  1. Once upon a time I would have thought peaches tasted like summer, but now that we live in Sicily I know differently. There I am totally at the mercy of my local market's produce, and thus totally at the mercy of the seasons. In fact, just yesterday while visiting family I had a peach and strawberry fruit salad here in the States. Peaches and strawberries together? Later said, "I would never eat this in Sicily. Because strawberries come in early spring and peaches come in late summer. Never together. Market rules."

    Anyway, that was rambling, but basically... yes, late summer, early fall = peaches. And this looks like the perfect drink for a warm fall day like today!

  2. Gorgeous photos, they look like still life paintings! Can't wait to try out this recipe

  3. Sounds amazing!!! Please make it for me when we finally can get ourselves together LOL!


  4. those peaches look seriously divine! :) I love it.


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