17 August 2013

hello weekend.


The weekend is upon us and we couldn't be more thrilled. I'm looking forward to pulling myself together and getting organized for next week, I'm looking forward to a long run through the neighborhood, to catching up on laundry and hopefully finishing my book over a hot bath. I'm really looking forward to finishing the school shopping and a late dinner at the restaurant.

What are you looking forward to this weekend? Whatever it may be, I hope it's a good one.

If you get a chance this weekend, I encourage you to read this story and pass it on. My friend Kacie reached out to me and shared Lila's story with me. She's a little girl in her town, friends with her daughter, who is fighting childhood cancer. Kacie is trying to get support from the blogging community to share her story, leave positive messages for the family and perhaps even donate to her cause. Please keep this family, and others who also struggle, in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. such a sad story. I will put a link up on my blog in my next post.

    your weekend sounds like it is going to be//has been so far great. I feel like I keep bumping into you in the internet circles. Over on Kindred, (I had a short story there this week ~perhaps it was a comment you said, maybe on someone else's post?), as well as over on Nicole's blog Rose Runs Wild. I had a guest post there on The Growing as well. I loved your post on her blog! so great! xo


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