11 October 2013

celebrating ten years of marriage!


Today, we celebrate ten years of marriage. Well, we actually celebrated last night with dinner up in Cleveland, but today is that actual date. Ten years. Ten amazing years of marriage. When I thought about what words I wanted to write in this post so many ideas and memories came to my mind. I decided to gather all those thoughts together and rather than write a blog post here I wrote a letter to Jon.

These past years have truly been the best in my life and we have created so many everlasting memories together. I look forward to another ten years overflowing with joy, love and dedication to each other.

This is our actual wedding song, and every time I hear it I am always whisked away to our night. So many good memories from that night! I love that we (and others) still talk about it to this day. But for us, I had to throw a Phish song into the mix :)

Waste by Phish on Grooveshark
I was hoping to share a few of our wedding photos, but since the move I'm having a hard time tracking those discs down. Perhaps I'll share some next week! A long time ago I wrote a post about "the story of us" you can read that here if you want :)


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! Congrats on 10 wonderful years of love mama! You two are an inspiration. xoxo

  2. Aww I love both of those songs! We just celebrated 14 years last week... October is the best! :) Happy Anniversary!



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